D3. Standard. Corey, Gerald. "How to Make the French Bassoon `Work.'" The Journal of the International Double Reed Society 1 (May 1973): 38. "Usually weak."
W x x o | o o o(Ab)
D3. Corey, Gerald. "How to Make the French Bassoon `Work.'" The Journal of the International Double Reed Society 1 (May 1973): 38. Corey uses this fingering most often.
W x x o | o o o E
D3. James, Cecil. Unpublished chart. Corey, Gerald. "How to Make the French Bassoon `Work.'" The Journal of the International Double Reed Society 1 (May 1973): 38. "English and very solid." Corey uses this fingering 2nd most.
W x x o | o x x F