The Bassoon-Family Fingering Companion

An Annotated Index of Fingerings for Instruments in the Bassoon Family
Contained in English Wind Periodicals and Other Select Publications with Additional Material
By Terry B. Ewell
©1996-2011 by Terry B. Ewell and the International Double Reed Society. All Rights Reserved.
Please read these files before proceeding with the indexes.
- **What's New ** (text)
- Preface--START HERE (text)
- Ascii fingering representation (text and pictures)
- Acknowledgements (text)
Standard German System Bassoon Fingerings and Trills (pdf) by Terry B. Ewell
The Bassoon-Family Fingering Charts
- Heckel-system (German) bassoon
- Heckel bassoon key and hole names (picture)
- Suggested fingerings for musical passages (index)
- Fingerings by note name (index)
- Fingerings for trills and shakes (index)
- Fingerings for pianissimo (text)
- Fingerings for microtones (index)
- Fingerings for multiphonics (index)
- Fingerings for harmonics (index)
- Select bibliography (text)
- Buffet-system (French) bassoon
- Suggested fingerings for musical passages (index)
- Fingerings by note name (index)
- Fingerings for trills and shakes (index)
- Select bibliography (text)
- Modern non-standard bassoons
- Select bibliography (text)
- Historical bassoon fingering tables
- Contrabassoon
- Other Double Reeds
- Ophicleïde (index)
- Sarrusophone (index)
- Select bibliography (text)