About This Site
This new edition of The 9 Wind Quintets of Franz Danzi was created by Charles-David Lehrer using the Finale 2000® music notation program from Coda Music . The IDRS site is making available to all members both the original Finale 2000® files as well as the Adobe® Acrobat PDF files.
The Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) is the open de facto standard for electronic document distribution. PDF preserves all of the fonts, formatting, colors, and graphics of the source document. Go to the Adobe site for more information about PDF .
The 9 Wind Quintets of Franz Danzi a collection of chamber music involving the flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, and the bassoon. This site organizes each composition into a set of ZIP files which can be downloaded to your computer. The ZIP file can then be "unzipped" using one of two programs: WinZip® or Aladdin Systems® Stuffit Expander . Both of these companies make available free evaluation versions of their software. Once expanded, each individual composition can be viewed or printed.
To whet your appetite, the Previews section provides several excerpts directly in their PDF format.
Below is a complete listing of the software components required to effectively use The 9 Wind Quintets of Franz Danzi.
Get Expander from
Aladdin Systems