Select Bibliography for Heckel-System Bassoon
Apfelstadt, Mark and Klimko, Ronald. Bassoon Performance Practice, Teaching Materials, Techniques and Methods. Moscow, Idaho: The University of Idaho School of Music Publications, 1993.
Backus, John. "Multiphonic Tones in the Woodwind Instruments." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 16/2 (February 1978): 594-596. Figures include osciloscope tracings of sound pressure inside the bassoon reed for two multiphonic fingerings given in Bartolozzi's New Sounds for Woodwind.
Bartolozzi, Bruno. New Sounds for Woodwind. London: Oxford University Press, 1971.
Christlieb, Don. "Pictorial bassoon fingering." Woodwind Magazine (1950-51), also self-published by Don Christlieb, 3311 Scadlock Lane, Sherman Oaks, California.
Cooper, L. Hugh and Toplansky, Howard. Essentials of Bassoon Technique. New Jersey: Howard Toplansky, 1968, 1974, 1976.
Corey, Gerald E. "Thoughts on Improving Both the German and French System Bassoons." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 5 (1977): 82-86.
Dietz, William. "The Flicking Technique of the Bassoon." The NACWPI Journal 37/3 (Spring 1989): 21-26. Includes a discussion of the flicking technique for A3-D4.
Groffy, Franz. "Piano-Key Mechanisms for the Bassoon." Woodwind Magazine 7/7 (April 1955): 8-9, 11. Discusses different locking mechanisms for the Heckel-system bassoon.
Heckel, Wilhelm. Bassoon fingering chart for the Heckel system chromatic scale with table of shakes and trills. New York: Carl Fischer, Inc.
Heckel, Wilhelm. Grifftabelle für Fagott und Kontrafagott. Biebrich: private edition.
Heiss, John C. "Some Multiple-Sonorities for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, and Bassoon" Perspectives of New Music 7/1 (Fall-Winter 1968): 136-142. Includes 20 fingerings, the last 8 of which are overblown low register pitches Bb1-F2.
Hendrickson. Handy manual of fingering charts for instrumentalists, inc. woodwind and brass instruments. New York: Carl Fischer Inc.
Jolivet, Michel. "Letters to the Editor." The Double Reed 10/3 (Winter 1987): 55. Gives a A1 Multiphonic.
Klimko, Ronald. Bassoon Performance Practice and Teaching in the United States and Canada. Moscow Idaho: University of Idaho School of Music Publications, 1974.
Klimko, Ronald. "From the Bassoon Editor: an Editorial: The Double Reed 5/2 (Fall 1982): 23. Klimko advocates the construction of a better bassoon, which could play Bb2 and Eb3 with Boehm fingerings.
Lacey, Edwin. "A Survey and Acoustical Evaluation of Bassoon Fingerings, and an Annotated Fingering." Indiana University doctoral dissertation, 1979.
Lapina, Theodore J. "Multitone Fingerings on the Heckel System Bassoon" NACWPI Journal (Spring 1977): 19-28, 37-38. Discusses embouchure settings and reed adjustments necessary for the 21 fingerings included in the article. To date the most comprehensive article on the subject.
Longazo, George. "Our Colleagues in the People's Republic of China." The Double Reed 5/1 (Spring 1982): 22. Reproduces the fingering chart from a brochure for the Hsinghai bassoon, Bb1-G#5.
Meek, Richard. In Apfelstadt, Marc and Klimko, Ronald. Bassoon Performance Practice, Teaching Materials, Techniques and Methods. Idaho: University of Idaho, 1993, pp. 61-62. Gives fingerings for AM7, AbM7, GM7, F#M7, FM7 chords.
Penazzi, Sergio. Metoda per Faggotto. Milan, Italy: edizioni Suvini Zerboni, 1971. Contains extensive quartertone and timbral fingerings.
Reinhard, Johnny. "The Microtonal Bassoon." The Double Reed 10/2 (Fall 1987).
Sharrow, Leonard. "The Bassoon is Archaic; The Need for a New Instrument," Parts I and II. Woodwind Magazine 2/8? (April? 1950):? and 2/9 (May 1950): 5, 13.
Spencer, William. The Art of Bassoon Playing. Evanston: Summy-Birchard Company, 1958.
Steinmetz, John. In Klimko, Ronald. Bassoon Performance Practices and Teaching in the United States and Canada. Idaho: University of Idaho, 1974, p. 69. Supplies a cadence in D major with three multiphonic fingerings. This is repeated in his 1979 article.
Steinmetz, John. The Double Reed 2/1 (April 1979): 10-11. Supplies a number of fingerings for multiphonics and difference tones under the headings: Gurgles, Impossible Notes, A Cadence (D major), Miscellaneous Death Rattles and Lost Chords, and Filtering.
Thornton, James. "Bassoon Wing Keys." The Instrumentalist 13/5 (January 1959): 51. Reprinted in Woodwind Anthology. Evanston: The Instrumentalist Company, 1976: 577. Written at a time when the addition of a D speaker key cost $25!
Timm, Everett LeRoy. The Woodwinds: Performance and Instructional Techniques. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1964. Contains extensive and unusual fingering combinations Bb1-G#5 and trill fingerings from C2-D2 to E5-F5.
Vigder, Scott. "A Table of Quarter-Tone Fingerings for the Bassoon," The Double Reed 4/2 (October 1981). These fingerings were extracted from Sergio Penazzi's Metodo per Fagotto (Edizoni Suvini Zerboni-Milano, 1971).
Weait, Christopher. "Pitch Sliding on the Bassoon," The Journal of the International Double Reed Society 3 (1975): 38-39. Comments on slides from F3-G3, G3-Ab3, A3-C4, B3-C4. Also discusses upper register portamenti.
Zimmerman. Fingering Chart for the Bassoon. Frankfurt/Main: Wilhelm Zimmerman Verlag.