AMS Organology Study Group Student Conference Travel Award
The AMS Organology Study Group is pleased to announce its Student Travel Award. This new award consists of financial support to mitigate some of the expense of attending the annual meeting of the AMS, and a membership in the American Musical Instrument Society for those who are not already members.
Additional Details:
The Organology Study Group of the American Musicological Society is pleased to announce the inaugural application cycle of the study group’s Student Travel Award. This new award has been established through the generous support of the American Musical Instrument Society (AMIS) to encourage and enable college and university students with academic interests in organology and other intersections of music and material culture studies to participate in the annual meeting of the American Musicological Society and the activities of the Organology Study Group (OSG). The award consists of financial support to mitigate some of the expense of attending AMS, and a membership in the American Musical Instrument Society for those who are not already members.
Applicants must submit the following:
•An application cover sheet.
•A personal statement of ~300 words.
•One letter of recommendation.
•Your curriculum vitae.
•If you are presenting a paper at AMS, a copy of your abstract. (Presenting at the meeting is not a requirement for receiving this award, but applicants with accepted papers will be given priority).
For more details on eligibility and application requirements, please see:
Application materials are due to on September 3, 2024.

Organology Study Group of the American Musicological Society
Patrick Dittamo
Chicago, IL 60615
United States