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Nov 18

Message from the President: Membership Rates 2023

Sarah Roper

Message from the President:
Membership Rates 2023

Dear IDRS members,

On behalf of the IDRS Board of Directors, I thank you all for your immense support over the years and would like to communicate to you changes that have recently been made in the membership rates. IDRS is growing in many positive ways and achieving some wonderful goals in our effort to reach out to more and more double reed players all over the world.

The IDRS revenue remains strong, but the Society has been undergoing many changes during the past nine years, since our last increase, some of which require extra funding from the main budget: the ongoing update and modernizing of the new website, the increase in expenses to cover staff and equipment for online and digital communications and the general costs as a consequence of striving to be a more inclusive, diverse and equitable association. After much deliberation the Board of Directors has decided that it is necessary to change the membership categories and associated dues, as of January 2023.

Greener packaging and postage for all members:
With our efforts to become “greener”, it has been decided to opt for a different system for packaging and postage for The Double Reed journal. From Jan 2023 onwards, all printed journals will be sent without the current sealed plastic wrap. With the money saved through this greener and more economic option within the USA, we are able to employ a sustainable paper option for all members outside the USA.

Membership form:
The new membership form will now be almost identical both online and in the downloadable PDF format. We encourage you to renew your membership online. For those who still wish to send the PDF form by mail, we ask that you be sure to fill in and print out all pages in order to finalize the process.

The form will now include additional voluntary questions about your identity which will aid our efforts to make IDRS more inclusive and equitable.

Regular and Business membership:
We have raised the rates but also created a new, green, “digital only” rate for both Regular and Business Members.

  • The priority postage service will no longer be included as an option.
  • The basic membership rate for Businesses will now be called Business Membership.

Gift Vouchers will be available for anyone who would like to give the gift of any IDRS membership.

Contributing Membership:
Contributing Membership options will still be offered in the membership form when anyone decides to join or renew. Please consider becoming a Contributing Member (Sustaining and above). IDRS very much appreciates any extra support in order to realize many aspects of our purpose and mission.

Contributing Members are listed in each issue of The Double Reed and automatically receive a print edition of The Double Reed with advanced, priority shipping. They will now be able to opt for The Double Reed journal in digital format only, if they wish.

Contributing Membership rates have been increased and we have a new category: Arundo Donax.

  • Sustaining: $100
  • Donor: $225
  • Patron: $450
  • Benefactor: $650
  • Arundo Donax: $1000 (NEW!)

The institutional subscription rate continues to include printed The Double Reed journals only but no other membership benefits. In order to avoid confusion we have decided to separate this category from other membership rates on the website.

IDRS continues to offer to all members the monthly E-Newsletter, The Double Reed journal, conference membership rates, eligibility Gillet-Fox and Norma Hooks Young Artist International Competitions, and group insurance rates.

Members have access to all online benefits such as being able to submit entries on the Marketplace and Double Reed Events and Openings pages, access to the Research Archives, past publications, and the video collection including live streaming and archived videos of recitals, masterclasses and concerts from past conferences and premieres of works included in the 50 for 50 Commissioning Project, and the resources continue to grow.

The fingering charts project, Stolen Instruments registry, Theses and Dissertations pages, Market Place and Events and Openings page will remain available to the public on the IDRS website.

Student membership: We have decided to maintain the current student membership rates (digital only and print rates).

Associate membership: We have decided to maintain the current Associate membership rates (digital only rate).

Business membership: All Business Members are listed in each issue of The Double Reed and will continue to enjoy all current benefits, such as:

  • Direct access to a community of thousands of double reed players all around the world and opportunities to meet and interact with other business owners, suppliers and customers in the double reed space
  • Brand visibility and targeted advertising opportunities online and at conferences.
  • More visibility coming soon with our newly updated homepage 🙂
  • Exhibit rental space available at IDRS conferences
  • Discounts in The Double Reed journal advertisements (advertisement rates will remain the same in 2023)
  • Free listings in the online Marketplace

Donations: Options to donate to the IDRS General Fund to help sustain and grow member resources and our community will continue to be available to all interested and able. The Sponsor A Member program will also continue. As we expand this program, we are excited to be able to offer Student Conference Scholarships.


Regular Membership print: $75 / Regular Member digital only: $60
Student Member print: $50/ Student Member digital only: $35
Associate Organization digital only: $35
Business Member print: $175 / Business Member digital only: $160

Contributing Membership:

Sustaining: $100
Donor: $225
Patron: $450
Benefactor: $650
Arundo Donax: $1000

Institutional Subscription:


We are grateful for your support and understanding and look forward to the continual growth and sharing of knowledge within the international double reed community. If you have any questions please write to me or our Membership Coordinator, Amy Christensen at Thank you!

Sarah Roper,
IDRS President