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Honorary Membership Nomination Form

Honorary Membership Nomination Form

The designation of Honorary Membership of the IDRS was created for persons of exceptional distinction who have completed meritorious service to double reed societies through the areas of performance, teaching, publications, instrument making or repair, or reed making. Such persons can be nominated at any time by the Society’s membership and may be elected to honorary status upon receiving a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee members. In 1974, W. Hans Moennig (1903-1988) became the first to be elected to this distinguished position.

IDRS members may nominate a candidate who has retired from their primary position or reached 62 years of age. IDRS members may also nominate a candidate who has passed away since the founding of IDRS in 1971. These Honorary Members will be noted as “awarded posthumously.”

Step 1 of 2

Person who is submitting the nomination

Your Name(Required)