Osborne, Willson. Rhapsody for Bassoon. Ewell, Terry B. "Willson Osborne's Rhapsody for Bassoon." The Double Reed 13/2 (Fall 1990): 59. Measure 15 for slur from Eb4 to Ab3 flick A speaker key on Ab3 (no whisper key). For slurs from Gb4 to Eb4 flick L. H. thumb C# key on Eb4. At the end of the piece for the slur from Eb3 to Eb2 use the following:.

Eb3 (lip down):       Eb2:
(/) x x | x x x F     x x x | x x x F
    (w)    E            (w)    E
     D                   D

Osborne, Willson. Rhapsody for Bassoon. Thornburg, Joe (October 1994).

At the end of the piece for the slur from Eb3 to Eb2 use the following:.

Eb3 (lip down):     Eb2:
x x o | x x x F     x x x | x x x F
  (w)    E            (w)    E
   D                   D

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Suggested Heckel bassoon fingerings for musical passages